This Blessed Earth

By Ted Genoways

June 2nd • Experts: Rusies, Ruth, George • Hosts: the Johnsons

The only person who hasn’t been blown away by the power of this unforgettable saga of a Nebraska farming family is the governor of our state. Oh, wait. He hated it without reading it, didn’t he?

The choice of both Nebraska and Iowa for their libraries’ state “Reads” programs, the book chronicles the story of one farm family working the land in York county Nebraska. Their story of facing a multitude of both minor and major challenges, defeats, and triumphs undoubtedly reflects the life of farm families all across the nation. These modern farmers bring high tech to farming, but still face two constant and defining variables: the weather and the markets.

Ted Genoways is a remarkable writer who brilliantly takes the common clay of this most common profession and turns it into an epic drama.

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